
2017 Business Year Marketing Plan for Etisalat UAE

2017 Business Year Marketing Plan for Etisalat UAE

Students should consider this like a “Live Case Study” and must choose a real organization based in the UAE/MENA region. Please make sure you are able to access secondary information about the company online, and that you can investigate the company informally.
The organization could be local or multi-national, but must have UAE market presence and also a specific product or service that has been customized/adapted/localized specifically to suit the MENA/UAE market; or which is specifically produced locally in the UAE for the Arab market.
ANALYSING MARKETING STRATEGY & CONSTRUCTING THE MARKETING PLAN: The final report must be presented as a Marketing Plan for ETISALAT UAE. It is an individual project that will involve library/online desk-research, report writing, and PowerPoint presentations.
Student will
• conduct a library/online desk-research on the company based on the information obtained and used for this project. Information must be from secondary data sources you have obtained through your own informal, online, and library desk-research;
• analyze its past and current marketing strategies and market potentials; and then
• construct a full Marketing Plan for one specific product or service of the company, comprising the student’s recommended strategies for marketing and supporting the product or service in the UAE market during the business year 2017.
• must also take full accountability for the information you use by acknowledging all the sources of all the information both in your in-work citations and by presenting a comprehensive list of your references at the end of your report. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
WORD AND PAGE LIMIT: The final written-report (Marketing Plan) must follow the outline and guidelines given by the lecturer. It must not exceed 10 pages and must be about 2,500 words (+ or – 10%), excluding the Cover page, Table of Contents page, Appendix pages, and References pages. The objective is to learn how to design, construct, and present a complete Marketing Plan that the management of any company can appreciate. Please see Appendix on page 14 of this Subject Outline for the detailed outline/guidelines of the report.
• Evidence and quality of research
• Quality of arguments/analyses
• Integration of theoretical concepts/models
• Quality/relevance of recommendations
The final written-report (Marketing Plan) must follow the outline below. Furthermore, it must not exceed 10 pages and must be about 2,500 words (+ or – 10%), excluding the Cover page, Table of Contents page, Appendix pages, and References pages. Required Font for the report is Times New Roman, 12 points, with 1.5-point spacing. Tables, histograms, pie-charts, pictures, and other diagrams must be put in the Appendix section at the end.
A short summary of what your report is all about; how you went about preparing it; and what your most important highlights are.
Company Background (A half-page summary of the company’s history, what they do; their products/services; where they have market presence; and the selected single product or service you are working on)
Situational Analyses: Including –
a. Macro-environmental analysis [PESTEL]
b. Company SWOT analysis
c. Product SWOT analysis
d. Direct-competitor SWOT analysis e. General market performance analysis (of the industry, and of your company for previous and present years – including sales and marketing activities; promotional events and activities, etc.)
1. Corporate/Business Objective: One overarching corporate/business/financial objective for the company to achieve in the 2017 business year. (Only one overall S.M.A.R.T objective should be set by you).
2. Marketing Objectives: Two S.M.A.R.T marketing objectives, to be set by you, which will help you achieve the overall business objective in the new business year. (Only two clear marketing objectives set by you – being either a product objective, or a branding objective, or a distribution objective, or a pricing objective, together with a promotional objective).
3. Marketing Strategies: Two clear and detailed marketing strategies for achieving the two marketing objectives you have selected under number 2 above. (Only two creative marketing strategies suggested and explained by you for meeting the above two marketing objectives). (MARK 935 Marketing Strategy) 15 4. Marketing Programmes (planned by you) – being a detailed plan of the actual marketing activities and promotional activities that will be carried out to market and support your chosen product or service in the UAE market during the 2017 business year; including detailed implementation timelines for executing such activities. (The timelines could be presented in a tabular format, or a histogram, or bar chart).
1. Projected Sales Revenue for 2017 (to be suggested by you), being a smart choice between 5% and 20% increase (with justification) upon the company’s previous or current year’s total sales revenue from the specific product or service you are working on. A table or pie-chart to explain the sources and timeline of the projected revenue for the new business year will enhance your work.
2. Projected Cost (to be suggested by you), being a smart choice of 2% to 10% of the current or previous year’s revenue (with justification); or a certain percentage increase on the current year’s cost budget if known. Justify your choices with sensible arguments that support both your marketing objectives and your proposed marketing strategies.
3. A timetable of budget allocation: A tabular or bar chart or pie chart presentation of your budget allocations to the various marketing activities you have suggested; and with logical explanation and justification for each allocation so as to ensure an efficient and effective use of funds to accomplish your set objectives.
Add a short note on:
(a) How you would monitor and control the implementation of your marketing plan to ensure compliance with the plan; and
(b) How you would measure the effectiveness of the marketing and promotional activities to ensure that the set objectives are being met.
Put all tables, histograms, bar charts, pie-charts, pictures, and other diagrams in the Appendix section at the end of your report, just before the References.
Compile and present a list of all your references in this section as proper acknowledgment of all your sources of information and materials. This should be the very last section of your report. Present your list of references in the appropriate referencing style in Harvard style.

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