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Synthesis & Interpretation – Completing Your Research Essay

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Assignment & Projects:

Review (as you find them helpful for your research  essay) chapters from Writing  Research PapersA Complete Guide, Lester & Lester, or another research text, and lesson below.

Complete a final research paper with all the necessary elements.

Research Essay –

The research paper is the most important essay for English 102. The final paper should include a synthesis of your research in order to support a thesis statement of your creation.   In-text citations, using a standardized format, will tell the reader where you found all new material for the essay. A formal outline showing your organization should accompany your paper.

Adequate Resources

The “Works Cited” page should include a number of sources, approximately the same number of sources as you have pages in your essay. At least half of these sources should be from periodicals, and they must include many current, up-to-date sources. In addition, they should include some sources that are journals or more serious studies of your topic.

The sources can include, as well as periodicals and books, films, videos, Internet information, personal interviews, and other sources.


The length of this paper should be 12-15, keyboarded, double-spaced pages. In addition to the 12-15-page essay, your work should include a title page with your name and the paper’s title, a   formal outline reflecting your organization, and a “Works Cited” page using a consistent format, such as MLA or APA.

[Note: The title page, the   outline, and the “Works Cited” page do not count toward the   required 12-15 pages.]

Number pages in the upper right hand corner, and include a header in the upper left hand corner with your  last name and at least part of the title of your paper.  Yes, an attached Work file or files will work much better for this assignment.

Again. use the evaluation sheet below to make sure you have all the appropriate material for your essay.  It will again be used in the evaluation and scoring process for the essay.


  • Complete the process of moving from summary to analysis to interpretation.
  • Check for places needing mechanical repairs.
  • Utilize parenthetical citations in an essay.
  • Construct a “Works Cited” listing for a research paper.
  • Complete the process of synthesis to finalize a long research paper.
  • Polish a research paper through a close editing process.
  • Format completely a long research paper.
  • Repair punctuation and mechanical errors in a long research paper.
  • Understand the use of additional bibliography and appendices with research.
  • Include additional bibliography and appendixes with research when they are appropriate.
  • Finalize and submit a long research paper complete with an outline and effective “Works Cited” page.

Synthesis & Interpretation

Interpretation will be an important aspect of your final research essay. Your thesis statement reflects this interpretation. Finalizing parts of that interpretation in a formal written essay is creating a synthesis of all your work on this project.

As we have covered so far, the steps you have used should include:


  • Initial research
  • Note taking (note cards, etc.)
  • Compiling a bibliography
  • Outline (brain storm, mind map, plan)
  • Rough draft
  • Final, edited copy

Congratulations! You have reached the final stages of the research process.

If you have followed the steps, writing the final paper should be mainly a matter of following your plan and your notes, then closely editing your draft. There are many fine points and problems you may encounter covered in the text. In addition, if you run into problems, you may post them in the Discussions.

For the conclusion of this longer essay, use your outline to include at least one sentence on each main category.  Larger categories may have more than one sentence.  Then restate your thesis.  Conclusions to an essay such as this are often a page or longer.


If you have a graph, table, or   picture of some kind that you want to include in your document, but cannot imbed it using the word processor, use an Appendix. Each of these additional   pieces to your paper is labeled “Figure”. Each will be cited to   indicate to your readers where you found it. You may also use an appendix to add a  longer document you wish to quote in full, such as a law, a poem, or parts of a treaty. These are optional parts of your essay.

Additional Bibliography

You may have accumulated a longer list of sources than you actually cited in your essay. In this case, an additional page titled “Additional Bibliography” would include   sources you found that did not appear on your “Works Cited” page.   Remember that to be listed on your “Works Cited” page, the source must be cited in your essay. If sources are not cited in your essay, you may include them by adding an “Additional Sources” page, using the same format as you did for a “Works Cited” page. Place it after your Works Cited page.  This is an optional part of your essay.

Plagiarizing not allowed:

Consider visiting appropriate Internet Sites to help you with your paper:

Finally, complete a final editing   process for your research essay. Again, use the rubric (evaluation or score sheet) to check your essay for each item listed. Use items in the evaluation sheet as you edit your draft. Consider each of the items separately and check your draft for each item. It will be used to evaluate your analysis.

Again. use the evaluation sheet to make sure you have all the appropriate material for your essay.  It will again be used in the evaluation and scoring process for the essay.

Study questions:

– What are appendixes used for in a research paper?

– What is the difference between a “Works Cited” page and an “Additional Sources” page?

– What process do you use to eliminate clutter from your style when writing a research paper?

– How do you create an objective tone and stance when editing?

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