
PROJECT #5 – Electronic Databases

PROJECT #5 – Electronic Databases


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This assignment is intended for you to become more research savvy by utilizing academic level online tools available to you through the library’s website.



1) Find a recent article (published within the past twelve months) on a subject in art that interests you.  You will do this by utilizing one of the library databases, such as Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost) or ProQuest Newsstand. Consider focusing your search on your favorite artist, artwork, or style of art.  You might even try tying in art with your academic major.


—Do not use the general search bar on the library’s website to search for an article.  You must use a database!


—Internet sites or Blogs are not allowed.


—Please stay away from articles about music, cosmetics, cars, etc.  If you have any questions about a topic or article you want to choose, just ask.


2) Once you find an interesting article, print it out.  The article must be at least 400 words in length, but under 2000 words.  You will attach this behind your essay.


3) Write a one-page essay structured as follows:  (An example is below)


Paragraph 1. Basic Info (do not list these as bullet points)

  1. What is the title of the article?
  2. Who wrote it? (if unknown tell me it is “unknown” or it is by an “anonymous writer”)
  3. What magazine/journal/periodical published it?
  4. Provide the date of publication
  5. Which of the databases did you use?
  6. What keyword did you search for?


Paragraph 2. Briefly summarize the article.

Tell me what the article was about.  Use general rather than specific information.  Do not “lift” passages from the article!  That would be plagiarizing not summarizing.  You do not need to place any citations since you are going to attach the article to the essay.


Paragraph 3. What interested you about this article?

Tell me why you chose it.  What is your interest in the article, artist, or subject matter? This is the most important paragraph in the entire essay and should be of equal length to paragraph 2.





Essay Format:

  • Upper left hand corner of the paper should have (single-spaced)

Your Name

Days and Time of Class

Project Number

  • Skip two lines and begin your paper…do not give your paper a title
  • One-Page (20-23 lines of text)
  • Typed
  • Double Spaced (Format—>Paragraph—>Spacing—>Double—>Click OK)
  • 1” Margins (Format—>Document—>Change Margins—>Click OK)
  • Use Times or Times New Roman
  • 10-point font
  • Don’t forget to proofread your paper! Grammar does count!
  • Do not use slang in academic writing (the word is legitimate, not legit)
  • Make sure to italicize titles of artwork if you use them
  • Use the word “artwork” or phrase “work of art” over “piece of art” or “piece of work”
  • Punctuation goes within quotations (Ex.  The keyword I used was “van Gogh.”)


The Packet:


Attach a printout of the article you wrote on (There is no stapler in the classroom)


Point Value:  25 points


Due Date:  Monday, April 3rd.


An “A” Student

MWF 9am

Project #5

There are thousands of different artists from all around the world that try to make an impact in art. My favorite artist is Vincent Van Gogh. The title of the article I chose to write about is “DIA brings famed Van Gogh Painting from Musée d’Orsay.” The author of this article is unknown, but it was published by La Prensa. The date of this publication was February 1, 2013. To find this specific article, I used the database ProQuest Newsstand. Due to the numerous amounts of articles that appeared in the database, typing in “Vincent Van Gogh” gave me too many hits. I then typed in “Vincent Van Gogh” and the word “found.” Vincent Van Gogh left a tremendous impact on the world pertaining to art and having his artwork found can lead to more knowledge about his life.

This article discusses how the Van Gogh painting Musée d’Orsay, was obtained by the DIA, Detroit Institute of Arts. This famous Van Gogh painting was displayed from February through March of 2013. This article talks about how this painting is one of three and that they are spread out across the world. It also quotes Van Gogh from a letter he wrote to his brother, which who inspired this painting. In this letter, Van Gogh describes the reasoning behind his work of art, the Musée d’Orsay. Having this piece of art in the Detroit Institute of Arts helps the museum gain more popularity. Lastly, this article states the admission to this specific museum and the hours of operation inviting all to come and witness this masterpiece. The overall idea of this article is that the Detroit Institute of Arts is in possession of an extremely valuable painting and that it is generating much attention from the public eye.

There are two main reasons why I chose to report on this current event in art. First, Vincent Van Gogh is my favorite artist. I love the way he expresses emotion through every painting by different types of colors and techniques. Secondly, I chose this topic because I was intrigued that just recently we are uncovering more famous paintings and sending them to different museums to be admired. Van Gogh died in 1890 and I find it fascinating that we are getting possession of these famous paintings that were created many years in the past. The fact that a painting from over one hundred years ago can boost a museum’s popularity drastically is overwhelming. The Musée d’Orsay, had a lot of meaning to Van Gogh and was well described in this article. This painting will attract many people to come and visit the museum to commend this piece of artwork.



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