
A descriptive study of technology and social media being used in Evangelical church youth ministries and how this cretes and fosters community and discipleship opportunities

A descriptive study of technology and social media being used in Evangelical church youth ministries and how this cretes and fosters community and discipleship opportunities

This is a typical 5 chapter dissertation where a survey validated by the literature needs to be created of which I will then administer and submit back to you the inforamation for further writing.

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Chapter 1-approximately 15 pages

Chapter 2- 40-50 pages lit review. As this is a Christian institution they want about 20 pagesof this lit review to review biblical/spiritual concepts related to the topic such as was community created by the apostle John’s 3 distance letters or apostle Paul’s letters. Maybe 5 pages defining community and 5 pages defining discipleship. The rest should be using normal sources

Chapter 3- design- 10-15pages each survey question has to be tied to something from lit review. It creates validity. I will attempt to administer the survey you would create.

Chapter4- results interpreted- 15-20 pages

Chapter 5- conclusion-10 pages

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