


744.2.1: Information Management – The graduate evaluates information management systems that support timely, high quality, patient-centered care.
744.2.2: Leadership in Information Technology – The graduate integrates knowledge of nursing initiatives, professional organizations, and leadership into strategies for enhancing nursing informatics.
744.2.3: Health Information Systems – The graduate evaluates features and functions of health information systems necessary to meet the needs of healthcare delivery.
744.2.4: Electronic Health Record – The graduate evaluates patient data and electronic health records to inform practice.
744.2.5: Information Security – The graduate evaluates the privacy and security of data within healthcare organizations.
744.2.7: Current and Future Technologies – The graduate evaluates the implications of current and emerging technologies for practice, research, education, and administration. Introduction:

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Current and emerging technologies in healthcare provide nurses with the opportunity to improve patient outcomes through ever-increasing access to data and evidence. Information support systems affect decisions made at both the point of care and the organizational levels. Nurses who are prepared at the master’s level fill a key role in leading unit and organizational change to incorporate these emerging technologies in order to promote patient safety and enhance quality of care.


You are an informatics nurse specialist working in a healthcare organization that is merging with another organization of comparable size. As a result of the merger, funds have been designated to offer services to underserved populations in a satellite facility that is supported by remote technology. You are to lead the project committee in migrating to a common health information system that meets current regulatory requirements.


A. Write a scholarly paper in which you do the following:

1. Reference three sources in your paper from academic, professional journals or websites or governmental resources that have been written within the past five years.

2. Analyze the technology necessary to meet the federally mandated requirements that will affect the merged healthcare organizations in the given scenario.

3. Describe your project committee by doing the following:

a. Identify four essential interdisciplinary team members to be on the project committee, including each team member’s position in the organization.

b. Describe the role each team member identified in part A3a will play in migrating to the common health information system.

c. Explain why the expertise of each team member identified in part A3a is necessary for the success of this project.

4. Describe why interoperability is important to healthcare delivery.

a. Explain why standardized nursing terminology is important to use when capturing nursing-specific data.

5. Identify two recent federal regulatory requirements that support health information technology

a. Describe two components of the new system in the scenario that meet the federal regulatory requirements from part A5.

6. Discuss potential security threats to the health information system.

a. Identify two essential system features designed to ensure the protection of patient privacy.

b. Describe industry standards for protecting data integrity and for mitigating risks that safeguard health information systems.

7. Consider the implications of current and emerging technologies by doing the following:

a. Describe two nonclinical applications of emerging technology designed to support communication with remote satellite facilities.

b. Describe two clinical applications of emerging technology designed to support the assessment and delivery of patient care in remote satellite facilities.

B. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the Rubric Terms web link included in the Evaluation Procedures section.

Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in an assessment, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the assessment.

Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from outside sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout web link included in the APA Guidelines section.

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value: 0.00 value: 1.00 value: 2.00 value: 3.00 value: 4.00 Score/Level
Articulation of Response (clarity, organization, mechanics)
The candidate provides unsatisfactory articulation of response. The candidate provides weak articulation of response. The candidate provides limited articulation of response. The candidate provides adequate articulation of response. The candidate provides substantial articulation of response.
A1. Academic Sources within the Past Five Years
The candidate does not provide references to any sources in the paper from academic, professional journals or websites or governmental resources that have been written within the past five years. Not applicable. The candidate provides references to 1-2 sources in the paper from academic, professional journals or websites or governmental resources that have been written within the past five years. Not applicable. The candidate provides references to 3 sources in the paper from academic, professional journals or websites or governmental resources that have been written within the past five years.
A2. Analysis of Technology
The candidate does not provide a plausible analysis of the technology necessary to meet the federally mandated requirements that will affect the merged healthcare organizations in the given scenario. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with no detail, of the technology necessary to meet the federally mandated requirements that will affect the merged healthcare organizations in the given scenario. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with limited detail, of the technology necessary to meet the federally mandated requirements that will affect the merged healthcare organizations in the given scenario. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with adequate detail, of the technology necessary to meet the federally mandated requirements that will affect the merged healthcare organizations in the given scenario. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with substantial detail, of the technology necessary to meet the federally mandated requirements that will affect the merged healthcare organizations in the given scenario.
A3a. Identification of Team Members
The candidate does not identify any essential interdisciplinary team members to be on the project committee, including each team member’s position in the organization. Not applicable. The candidate identifies 1-3 essential interdisciplinary team members to be on the project committee, including each team member’s position in the organization. Not applicable. The candidate identifies 4 essential interdisciplinary team members to be on the project committee, including each team member’s position in the organization.
A3b. Team Members Roles
The candidate does not provide an appropriate description of the role each team member identified in part A3a will play in migrating to the common health information system. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with no detail, of the role each team member identified in part A3a will play in migrating to the common health information system. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with limited detail, of the role each team member identified in part A3a will play in migrating to the common health information system. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with adequate detail, of the role each team member identified in part A3a will play in migrating to the common health information system. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with substantial detail, of the role each team member identified in part A3a will play in migrating to the common health information system.
A3c. Team Members Expertise
The candidate does not provide a logical explanation of why the expertise of each team member identified in part A3a is necessary for the success of this project. Not applicable. The candidate provides a logical explanation of
why the expertise of 1-3 team members identified in part A3a is necessary for the success of this project. Not applicable. The candidate provides a logical explanation of why the expertise of each team member identified in part A3a is necessary for the success of this project.
A4. Interoperability
The candidate does not provide an appropriate description of why interoperability is important to healthcare delivery. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with no detail, of why interoperability is important to healthcare delivery. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with limited detail, of why interoperability is important to healthcare delivery. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with adequate detail, of why interoperability is important to healthcare delivery. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with substantial detail, of why interoperability is important to healthcare delivery.
A4a. Standardized Nursing Terminology
The candidate does not provide a logical explanation of why standardized nursing terminology is important to use when capturing nursing-specific data. The candidate provides a logical explanation, with no detail, of why standardized nursing terminology is important to use when capturing nursing-specific data. The candidate provides a logical explanation, with limited detail, of why standardized nursing terminology is important to use when capturing nursing-specific data. The candidate provides a logical explanation, with adequate detail, of why standardized nursing terminology is important to use when capturing nursing-specific data. The candidate provides a logical explanation, with substantial detail, of why standardized nursing terminology is important to use when capturing nursing-specific data.
A5. Federal Regulatory Requirements
The candidate does not correctly identify any recent federal regulatory requirements that support health information technology. Not applicable. The candidate correctly identifies 1 recent federal regulatory requirement that supports health information technology. Not applicable. The candidate correctly identifies 2 recent federal regulatory requirements that support health information technology.
A5a. Components for Federal Regulatory Requirements
The candidate does not provide an appropriate description of 2 components of the new system that meet the federal regulatory requirements from part A5. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with no detail, of 2 components of the new system that meet the federal regulatory requirements from part A5. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with limited detail, of 2 components of the new system that meet the federal regulatory requirements from part A5. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with adequate detail, of 2 components of the new system that meet the federal regulatory requirements from part A5. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with substantial detail, of 2 components of the new system that meet the federal regulatory requirements from part A5.
A6. Security Threats and Potential Impacts
The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of potential security threats to the health information system. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of potential security threats to the health information system. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of potential security threats to the health information system. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of potential security threats to the health information system. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of potential security threats to the health information system.
A6a. Patient Privacy Features
The candidate does not correctly identify any essential system features designed to ensure the protection of patient privacy. Not applicable. The candidate correctly identifies 1 essential system feature designed to ensure the protection of patient privacy. Not applicable. The candidate correctly identifies 2 essential system features designed to ensure the protection of patient privacy.
A6b. Industry Standards for Safeguarding Health Information Systems
The candidate does not provide an appropriate description of industry standards for protecting data integrity and for mitigating risks that safeguard health information systems. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with no detail, of industry standards for protecting data integrity and for mitigating risks that safeguard health information systems. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with limited detail, of industry standards for protecting data integrity and for mitigating risks that safeguard health information systems. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with adequate detail, of industry standards for protecting data integrity and for mitigating risks that safeguard health information systems. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with substantial detail, of industry standards for protecting data integrity and for mitigating risks that safeguard health information systems.
A7a. Non-clinical emerging technology
The candidate does not provide an appropriate description of 2 nonclinical applications of emerging technology designed to support communication with remote satellite facilities. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with no detail, of 2 nonclinical applications of emerging technology designed to support communication with remote satellite facilities. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with limited detail, of 2 nonclinical applications of emerging technology designed to support communication with remote satellite facilities. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with adequate detail, of 2 nonclinical applications of emerging technology designed to support communication with remote satellite facilities. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with substantial detail, of 2 nonclinical applications of emerging technology designed to support communication with remote satellite facilities.
A7b. Clinical Emerging Technology
The candidate does not provide an appropriate description of 2 clinical applications of emerging technology designed to support the assessment and delivery of patient care in remote satellite facilities. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with no detail, of 2 clinical applications of emerging technology designed to support the assessment and delivery of patient care in remote satellite facilities. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with limited detail, of 2 clinical applications of emerging technology designed to support the assessment and delivery of patient care in remote satellite facilities. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with adequate detail, of 2 clinical applications of emerging technology designed to support the assessment and delivery of patient care in remote satellite facilities. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with substantial detail, of 2 clinical applications of emerging technology designed to support the assessment and delivery of patient care in remote satellite facilities.
B. Sources
When the candidate uses sources, the candidate does not provide in-text citations and references. When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides only some in-text citations and references. When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with major deviations from APA style. When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with minor deviations from APA style. When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with no readily detectable deviations from APA style, OR the candidate does not use sources.

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