Buddhism term paper
Buddhism is recognized as one of the great religions of the world. To call Buddhism a religion by itself would do injustice. Buddhism is a school of moral thoughts and principles as well as a religion to worship. Unlike other religions Buddhism’s’ sole purpose is not to worship a god or gods, it is only to preach the thought of spiritual development which leads to kindness and wisdom. Throughout this paper I will discuss the history of Buddhism, the Basic Tenants of Buddhism and its brief history, as well as information on the modest Buddha who teaches spiritual development. The religion of Buddhism began about 563 BC, which is about 500 years before Christianity even started. Buddhism began in India where a scholar named Siddhatta Gotama (known as Buddha) wrote a religious doctrine that focused on being spiritual with one self as opposed to worshipping a god. Buddha meaning “one who is awake” is a scholar who preached Buddhism to all of his followers first starting in Northern India. In his teachings Buddha praised mediation and reflection in order to see enlightenment in kindness and well being. To him this was a natural law that everybody should want to follow in his or her path through life. Buddha wanted to be known as someone who taught others kindness and wellness, he never wanted to be a god like others did in different religions. He just wanted to be known as a man who transformed himself, and in turn set out to transform others. In Buddhism there are several basic beliefs to be learned and followed. These beliefs are from past experiences that Buddha went through in his life and now teaches to others. I will list the major points and then give a brief explanation of what each means. 1. All existence is suffering The first belief All existence is suffering explains what if suffering in life. For instance birth, old age, illness and death are all elements of suffering. These elements of suffering would be considered non-fulfilling desires in suffering. The suffering of lamination, grief, pain and affliction is connecting with being unloved. This is usually means that are separated from what you love and now have the suffering from having a sense of thinking you are unloved. 2. Objective and Subjective Existence In Buddhism one is to understand how real the world is. For instance his/her birth is known due to his existence, but one is to grasp the organs it has because of birth. A nose that smells, and eye that sees, and a tongue that tastes are all because of birth and an individual of formed and uses these organs and senses in life. This would be an objective perception in Buddhism. One who understands we would not have these items if there were no use for these items would be looking at this idea subjectively. This is just bringing out the sense of realism in religion. 3. The Cycle of Rebirth and Karma One thing fairly unique about Buddhism is the concept of birth, life, death, rebirth and on and on and on. In Buddhism only the kind goes on to re-birth as a human the rest can go into re-birth as an animal, denizen of hell, or a hungry ghost. . Thus only humans and Hindu Gods can go on to teach Buddhism in their new life. Buddhism is also different from other religions in that one can go to hell for a short period of time after death. This can be used as a punishment, so you can do well to go to heaven for the rest of your next life. It is totally your decision where you go to in your next life in Buddhism based on your actions. Through Karma (a person’s acts and ethical issues) your next life will be decided. Good deeds are rewarded with a great place in the next life. Evil deeds are punished in the next life. This provides the decision of your next life to be based on moral law as opposed to a judgement like other religions have. In the next life Karma effects you social status, wealth, intelligence, beauty, as well as longevity. This is a great reward for having moral and kind values in the life your once led. 3. The Eight Ways to the End of Suffering. In Buddhism there are many ways to end suffering. Terminating, abandonment, extinction, destruction, and rejection of suffering are cravings to Buddhist followers. According to the Monks these are the eight ways to terminate suffering. 1) Right View 2) Right Resolve 3) Right Speech 4) Right Conduct 5) Right Livelihood 6) Right Effort 7) Right Awareness 8) Right Mediation These are present to being awareness that in long suffering is ignorance, there is a way to conquer you craving to suffer and enhance your well being. The Eightfold Way to Termination is also to remind you about making yourself human in re-birth teaching you self-discipline, kindness and wellness. Their words are very helpful in your guidance towards kindness and wellness. 4. Nirvana Nirvana is the ultimate goal in Buddhism. An individual has reached Nirvana when he/she is released from all suffering. In order to obtain Nirvana you need to have an enlightened state in which greed, ignorance and hatred are no more. Nirvana is a state or total conscienceness in which after obtaining Nirvana he/she may continue to live. This would rid of all negative Karma from you soul and later create parinnirvana or final nirvana in which during this you reach your death. Today Buddhism is still a well-known religion. It is practiced all over the world. It is probably the major religion throughout the Orient. “In the last century Buddhism has emphatically arrived in the West and up to one million westerners have become Buddhists” (www.fwbo.org) One would think that Buddhism in the western world would only be in larger cities, but that is not the case. There is a local temple in Chesapeake. Buddhism has gained wide expectance because of its lack of a god and it’s use of common usage. The Yin Yang symbol and the concept of Karma are widely used in popular culture today: even though they may have never studied Buddhism at all. This goes to show how far reaching Buddhism has become in our society. In conclusion Buddhism is a very fascinating religion with high positive and moral values. In this religion suffering is known as ignorance and should quickly be released from your soul in order to continue with the positive aspects that life has to offer. Doing good dead in life will grant you a highly respected afterlife. This is your reward for kindness and moral thoughtfulness. All in all Buddhism is a religion for everyone, a positive frame of mind is something we all should strive for in life.
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