
Evidence that God Exists custom essay

God Exists

Evidence that God Exists

In a world that is moving more towards secularism, the tendency is for people to give up on being religious. This has seen the rise of atheism and more people saying that there is no God. Many people tend to believe in the world of science which seems more practical and one that they can relate with and offer proof about. However, the fact that science keeps advancing and explanations come up every day, then there must be another explanation for the world phenomenon. In fact, the same explanations that are given in support of science contradict each other. The only explanation to all this is the belief that God exists and this paper aims at showing the truth in this statement.

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Most philosophers in the 1940s and ‘50s believed that it was useless to hold a conversation on God. The reason for this was that they could not perceive this being using the five senses as it is the case on other things. However, the reason this cannot be perceived by men is because Godis not like men and through believing in him, the work that he does is manifested through men. It is then that men can use their senses to perceive the work of God and therefore show that he truly exists. All that man is required to do is to grasp mentally the concept of God and when this happens, any other belief to the contrary is impossible.

One fact to show that God exists is by looking at the universe and questioning its existence and the existence of all matter in it. The explanation for this phenomenon can only be based on a reality that shows that there is something greater than the universe that has the ability to choose what to create and what not to create. This can only be a being that is beyond the universe which is God. The universe became as it is a long time ago. For something to become, it must have a beginning, something that science also supports. In addition, there must be something to bring that thing into existence and that thing creating it needs to be independent from the thing that is coming into existence. Likewise, there must have been a being that was outside the universe that brought it into existence (Kabay 123). That being can only be God and his beginning cannot be conceptualized by the human mind using his usual senses.

The second argument that shows that indeed God exists is by looking at the aspect of morality. The fact that there are moral laws shows that there is something greater than men that controls the relationship between people. Laws come in the form of commands and these commands have their source. With morality, there has to be someone that makes these laws authoritative. In governments, when law is made, people obey the law because the rulers made the law and for purposes of good order. In morality one then has to question who the source of these laws is and what makes that source superior such that people do not depart from moral behaviour, or are conscious of their actions. These laws are not written but through the human mind, one knows what is morally wrong and what is right to do. There must be a being that rules the universe that is greater than man showing that truly God exists.

The third argument in support of the claim of the existence of God is the state of intentionality. What this means is that a person and an object are different: man has life and objects do not have life. Scientists have not been able to explain how this is so. The state of consciousness is only available to men where only men can think about things such as vacations and their relationships. The best explanation one can get about this is that there is a superior being who is more interested in human beings and that can only be God.

Even with the amount of evidence out there about the existence of God, atheists still refute this claim and believe that the existence of God is a false illusion invented by the human brain. To support their argument, atheists state that if surely God was in existence then there would be no suffering. Those who believe in God paint a perfect picture of him as one who is all good and loving and it is here that those who do not believe in his existence use it as a basis to show that God cannot be in existence. However, looking at the occurrence of things, God exists even through suffering. God uses suffering to manifest himself and man being a co-worker with him uses the abilities that God has given him such as medicine, to alleviate suffering. Suffering may also be a form of punishment. In legal positivism, we are shown that breaking the law has consequences and these consequences come in the form of punishment. When human beings maintain a relationship with God, then they are able to avoid suffering.

Man is also believed to be a free being. This means that one has the freedom of choice and can choose either to do good or bad. If God was to prevent all evil from happening, then it means that he would remove the free will from man. Objects do not have free will and they do not have the choice between doing good or bad. In the same way, if man had no free will, there would be no good and in equal measure there would be no bad or morally wrong things (Valkanet 58). God exists and he just chose to give man the free will to choose whatever he wants to do. He has actually also given men the choice to either to believe in his existence or deny his existence.

The atheists also argue that the belief in the existence of God is just wishful thinking for the weak who feel that they cannot do without him (Corlett, & Josh 93).They say that there is no evidence to show that God exists and as such, this is just an imaginary thought and a creation of the human mind. Atheists think that for one to believe in the existence of God, there needs to be physical evidence of his existence. This argument however does not hold water. The believers in the existence of God have never at any time tried to show his physical existence, but they state that God is a spirit and this cannot be illustrated physically.

If it was true that this was mere thinking and a belief followed by weak people looking for comfort, then atheists would be doing better than Christians in all areas(Viamonte 123).  This means beyond illusions, there is also something else that makes Christians to believe in God. The belief in the existence of God does is not a guarantee that the believers will have an easy life as it put out by atheists. Religion stresses that there is suffering and it is natural to undergo suffering in this world. The comfort that religion brings is the hope of a better future and the believe that suffering is not permanent and with time thi…………………

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