
Harvey is married and has 2 teenage children

Harvey is married and has 2 teenage children. Harvey has been heavily drinking on a regular basis for the past 10 years. In the past his wife often covered for him with his job, and usually made excuses for him with his children and his friends. Harvey has not attended his son’s baseball games this year, and he missed his daughter’s performance in the school play due to having been passed out from drinking. At this time, he is at risk for losing his job due to excessive absences, and he was recently arrested for a DUI. Harvey has realized that his drinking is adversely affecting all aspects of his life and he is ready to quit.


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Create an 8-10 slide Power Point presentation to discuss treatment plans for Harvey and his family. Use the speaker notes in the slide show to further discuss the topics on each slide. In addition make sure you have a title slide and a slide with references (in APA format). Please reference at least two peer-reviewed journal articles in your presentation along with appropriate information from the assigned weekly readings. In your presentation:

Evaluate the following methods of treatment and develop a treatment plan for Harvey: Alcoholics Anonymous, Transactional Analysis, and Family Systems Therapy. Please:
Provide an assessment of Harvey’s situation and what he needs from treatment.
Evaluate and discuss the at least one pro and con of each of the following treatment methods: Alcoholics Anonymous, Transactional Analysis and Family Systems Therapy.
Develop a treatment plan for Harvey:
Choose at least one of the above treatments for the plan.
Address at least two issues that Harvey needs to resolve in treatment.
Include at least three steps for Harvey’s recovery.
Explain Brief Strategic Family Therapy and when it is used. Next, do the following:
Develop a treatment plan for Harvey’s wife.
Address her specific needs as the spouse of a substance abuser.
Include at least three steps for her recovery.
Take care that this plan is specifically addressing her recovery, and not how she can help Harvey recover.
Develop a treatment plan for Harvey’s children: Address their specific needs as adolescent children of a substance abuser
Include at least three steps for their recovery.
Recommend at least two substance use prevention strategies aimed at adolescent children of substance abusers.
Choose one of the following cultures: Hispanic, African American, or Asian American, and analyze how being a part of this culture might affect Harvey and his family’s treatment and recovery. Explain at least two issues present in treating substance abuse within that culture.
Submit your assignment to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox by Monday, December 7, 2015.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points

Assessed Harvey’s situation and what he needs from treatment.

Evaluated and discussed at least one pro and con of each of the following treatment methods: Alcoholics Anonymous, Transactional Analysis and Family Systems Therapy.

Developed a treatment plan to address two of Harvey’s issues that include at least three steps for one of the previously mentioned plans.

Explained BSFT and when it is used.

Developed a three step treatment plan for Harvey’s wife addressing her specific needs as the spouse of a substance abuser, taking care that this plan is specifically addressing Harvey’s wife’s recovery, and not how she can help Harvey recovery.

Developed a three step treatment plan for Harvey’s children addressing their specific needs as adolescent children of a substance abuser. Recommended at least two substance use prevention strategies for children of substance abusers.

Chose one of the given cultures and explained at least two issues present in treating substance abuse within that culture.

Organization (Introduction, Thesis, Transitions, Conclusion)

Usage and Mechanics (Grammar, Spelling, Sentence Structure)

APA Elements (Attribution, Paraphrasing, Quotations)

Style (Audience, Word Choice)


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