


Competency 730.4.6: International Classification of Diseases ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS – The graduate recognizes the structural similarities and difference between International Classification of Diseases versions ICD-10-CM, Volume 3 and ICD-10-PCS.

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For this task, you will implement your knowledge of a comprehensive approach to learning about the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision Procedure Coding System. This task also includes comprehensive information in ICD-10-CM and ICD-10 Procedure Coding System.


You are a general coder in a billing company that codes for multiple specialties, hospital claims, and physician practices. You have been given a list of patient encounters and must now provide the diagnostic codes.

Using the attachment “Patient Encounters 2D,” you must abstract the necessary data to correctly code the listed encounters. For your convenience, the “Coding Form 2D” attachment has been provided for you to enter a code or codes for each of the assigned accounts.


  1. Complete the attached “Coding Form 2D” with the correct diagnostic codes for each of the following scenarios as provided in the attached “Patient Encounters 2D” by doing the following:

Note: Follow all of the basic steps of choosing the correct ICD-10 procedural code. When you have completed this process, enter the correct ICD-10-PCS codes in the correct order on the attached “Coding Form 2D.”

Note: Remember to check the tables and conventions in the ICD-10-PCS codebooks or to use the AMA’s CodeManager Elite online codebooks as you code the assignments.

  1. Provide the diagnostic codes for scenarios 1 through 5.

Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the Rubric Terms web link included in the Evaluation Procedures section.

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