
Decision Making Reflective Journal

Please follow the instructions in Assessment 3 instructions file. It requires at least 4 journal entries, and there are 2 examples of reflective journals and a guide for reflective writing. I have also provided lecture slides that highlight topics that could be used for the reflective writing. Please follow the instructions closely.

Assessment #2 – Assignment (A2)
Assessment Activities

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This assignment is designed to assess the student’s ability to describe, explain, and justify ethical decision making and behaviour, and demonstrate knowledge of one or more of the main theoretical approaches to ethical decision making. The assignment addresses all course objectives and the graduate qualities related to body of knowledge, life-long learning, effective decision making, international perspective, and effective communication. Emphasis will be on reflections on ethical decision-making and the material in this course.

Description of the assignment

The major assignment, worth 90% of A2, is written work of about 2500 words.

You will need to write at least 4 entries in a reflective journal recording your experiences and thoughts relating to events which have raised ethical issues. Because the journal is a term paper, you should start working on the task as early in the course as possible.

The entries may reflect on events at work or in the media which occur during the course. Alternatively, they may be entries which reflect directly on topics, concepts, values, and theories discussed in the course. Each entry may relate to a different event or topic, or the entries may express the writer’s continued reflection on a smaller number of events or topics. You can also use the journal to reflect on your intuitions, perceptions, and emotions, particularly in response to some moral dilemma or context.

A comment on the effectiveness of the journal as a learning experience and its relevance in the course will be expected, either in a short final entry or in the course of other journal entries. Reference to academic research is required in this assignment (e.g., related to your insights about rational or emotional factors in ethical decision making). Note: There is no minimum or maximum number of academic sources you could or should cite. However, the research you cite must be of high quality.


Students are encouraged to commence keeping a journal at the beginning of the course. The journal can take a number of forms, but you must compose at least four distinct entries, with each one having an interesting heading. One of the entries could, for example, be a YouTube video you made that relates to a topic in the course or an online blog entry you wrote. The journal should be kept as an electronic document, for example in a Word file, and is to be submitted using Gradebook. If necessary, files may be attached to your journal in an Appendix; one example would be attaching a specific newspaper article or someone else’s blog entry that prompted an entry. Attachments are not included in the word count.

The journal should be about 2500 written words in length, not counting any attachments/appendix.

Assessment criteria

The quality of the argument, the quality of your research, and the depth of reflection will be important factors in the evaluation of this assignment. The Feedback Form for this term paper sets out the basis for the assessment. A journal that is wholly descriptive, yet is in other respects adequate, will receive a Passing grade. To achieve a Credit or Distinction, you will need to demonstrate higher levels of reflection.

Students should aim to be concise, focus on reflection rather than extended description, and avoid long emotional outpourings or ‘stream of consciousness’ submissions. While the 2500 word limit will not be rigorously enforced, overly long journals which result from failure to heed this advice will be penalised. Please note that the marking scheme includes marks for clear expression and organisation. If the marker has to struggle to understand the meaning of your statements, then zero may be awarded for this component of the assessment.

Students are expected to make use of and properly reference material outside the set text. This should include academic research on ethics and values. You should use the Harvard (UniSA) or APA style.
Write about
-What I think
-I never thought about it this way before
-Use material from the course
-Relate it to different ethical views
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