
NR443 Guidelines for Caring for Populations Milestone 2:Assessment and Diagnosis

NR443 Guidelines for Caring for Populations
Milestone 2:Assessment and Diagnosis
10 points Catches the reader’s attention with interesting facts and supporting sources; includes the purpose of the paper
(9–10 points) No purpose provided but “hook” is present
(8 points) Purpose of paper discussed; hook to get reader interested is missing
(7 points) No purpose provided and no attention-getting hook
(0–6 points) /10
Community Data
25 points Community identified and briefly described
(23–25 points) Community identified but description missing
(21–22 points) Community not identified and/or not described
(19–20 points) Community not identified and not described
(0–18 points) /25
Demographic and Epidemiological Data
50 points A range of demographic and epidemiological data for your community examined by census reports, vital statistic reports, city records, morbidity, and/or mortality rates and other agency sources, and compared to state or national data
(46–50 points) Some demographic and epidemiological data described ormissing state or national comparison
( 42–45 points) Little demographic and epidemiological data and missing state or national comparisons
( 38–41 points) Lacking demographic and epidemiological data and missing state or national comparisons
(0–37points) / 50
Windshield Survey
10 points Community windshield survey findings briefly described;findings relate to identified problem
(9–10 points) Windshield survey findings described but not clearly related to identified problem
(8 points) Windshield survey lacks sufficient assessment and relation to identified problem
(7 points) Windshield survey findings not described
(0–6 points) /10
50 points Assessment data used to identify the problem;rationale provided for your choice and related to one of the Healthy People objectives;supportive data provided to validate this as a problem in your community
(46–50 points) Problem not related to Healthy People objective or lacks rationale or lacks supportive data
(42–45 points) Problem not related to Healthy People objective and lacks rationale or lacks supportive data
(38–41 points) Problem not related to Healthy People objective,lacks rationale,and lacks supportive data
(0–37 points) /50
Application of Evidence-Based Literature
30 points Two or more quality references from professional literature cited that clearly support your rationale
( 28–30 points) Two references cited, but information in reference may be biased or not directly relevant to your rationale
( 25–27points) Only one reference cited that is directly relevant to rationale
( 23–24 points) No references cited or one reference cited that is not relevant to rationale
(0–22 points) / 30
10 points Includes a statement about the problem, the population at risk for this problem, and the major factors that contribute to the problem
(9–10 points) Summary lacks reiteration of identified problem or population at risk or contributing factors
(8 points) Summary lacks two or more of the following: reiteration of identified problem, population at risk, and contributing factors
(7 points) Summary unsatisfactory or not completed
(0–6 points) /10
20 points Discussion well organized and logically supports analysis and reasoning; structure clear and compelling to reader; easy to follow author’s reasoning; paragraphs linked together in logical ways;main ideas stand out
(19–20 points) Discussion accurate but limited;some attempt at organization apparent, but in general paper does not flow well
(17–18 points) Paper comes across as disjointed or rambling; flow of paper difficult to follow
(15–16 points) Discussion has errors in content; no discernible attempt at organization; paper is chaotic
(0–14 points) /20
20 points • Title page, running head, and page numbers(3)
• Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure correct (5)
• References properly cited within paper (5)
• Reference page includes all citations(2)
• Evidence of spelling and grammar checks(5)
(19–20 points) • Minimal errors in APA title page noted
• Minimal errors in grammar, punctuation,and/or sentence structure noted
• Citations present but not in correct format
• References present, with minimal errors in format
• Minimal red or green wavy lines within document
(17–18 points) • Multiple errors in APA format
• Several grammar and punctuation errors noted
(15–16 points) • Citations missing
• References missing or incomplete
• No evidence of proofreading prior to submitting paper
(0–14 points) /20
Total Points /225


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